1. when the lychees are feed into the machine, must remove the long twigs on the lychees, to avoide damage to knives blades. Usually, the knives
need to replace every 7days. The two sides of knives blades can be used interchangeably, after one side is broken, change anothert side.
twigs need to be removed before peeling
2. In order to improve peeling efficiency, we suggest the lychees be graded before peeling, because the
machine can work better on uniform size
3. When customer disassemble the chains, please reassemble it according to the installation procedure on manual instructions.
4. To avoid leaving lychees residues inside machine, every time before stop the machine, and before use the machine, run machine without load,
wash and clean machine with clean water for 1-2 minutes.
Before using machine, wash especially plastic rolls and rubber rolls to make them wet before starting machine.
5. Try to understand the working principle of machine before use it, this is helpful when you have some problems in working, you can change
and adjust machine according to the knowledge. This is especially true for the simple adjusting of machine such as how to adjust the length of
front and back rubber rolls.
6. The chains and bearings need to be lubricated 3 times every year: Before use, in use (after use machine for about 10days) , after use (after
harvest time).
7. How to change new knives: Knives should be fixed slantwise, front side of knives keep the height of about 6mm.