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    Pineapple skin-peeling-off machine


    Pine apple peeling and removing core machine
    I.    Purpose:
    This machine is designed for pine apple processing. We can use this machine for peeling the shell(skin) and removing the core(heart) of pine apple, to get the columniform pulp.
    II. Components of machine
    This machine is assemble by machine support, cutting knife, shell removing knife, core removing knife, motor, pneumatic control. Shell removing knife is driven by motor through belt pulley and rotates in high speed. Feeding pole and core removing knife move forward and backward droven by pneumatic cylinder directly.
    III.             Working principle:
    Pine apple which was cut out head and tail ends manually, will be placed in supportor frame which is adjustable of center height; pineapple pushing forward by the cylinder will be cut through of it’s skin by four special skin broken knives; pushing into high-speed rotation peeling canister with peeling knives inside to remove skin outside; meanwhile inside the feed rods, the poke heart knife will remove the pineapple heart out to get cylindrical fruit.
    If only remove the skin outside but with the pineapple heart inside, we can remove the poke heart knife in feed Rod. Removing this knife is convenient and incomplex; how to unload the poke heart knife, we do explain during test or by manual guide;
    IV.             Technical characters:
    1.         Capacity: 6-12 pcs/minute (according to worker’s experience)
    2.         Application scope:
    This machine equipped with two sets skin knife and two sets of poke heart knife for different diameters of pineapple. Please choose right knife according to the diameter of pineapple.

    Outside diameter of pineapple
    Outside diameter of fruit cylinder

    3.         Driven Motor: 0.75KW,1400RPM
    4.         Model of cylinder: SC63Χ510
    5.         outline dimension(L*W*H): 1200Χ700Χ1300mm
    6.         Net weight: about 150Kg
    7.         Air compressor: supply by customer
    8.         Air pressure: 0.3-0.4Mpa
    V. Preparation for working:
    After grading pineapple by diameter, cutting pineapple’s head and tail manually, install right knife(skin peeling knife and poke heart knife) according to pineapple diameter to start produce.
    VI.             Operation steps:
    1.           Adjust pineapple support hight according to pineapple’s diameter; align the center of pineapple with skin knife and poke knife; adjust four skin broken knives’ deepth.
    2.           start motor and the machine begains running.
    3.           open inlet valve of air cylinder, waiting for air pressure till to 0.3-0.4Mpa.
    4.           Put the pineapple on support, step down the air control valve. Cylinder will push the pineapple forward to peel and poke heart of pineapple. Release air control valve and cyclinder backwards for another new cycle.
    5.           Cleaning the machine after working, and poke out the cores of pineapple in poking rods by any stick.
    6.           Pineapple after removing skin and core needs collect by workers, and removing some uncleaned skin and pit on fruit cylinder by small knife.
    VII.           Caution:
    During operation, pls cooperate your feet and hands together. After putting pineapple on support, please do take back your hands, then step down air control valve.
    VIII.        Maintenance
    Adding edible oil and grease to copper bush on feeding rod.
    Adding grease on bearing in regular period.

    Tag:  Pineapple    

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