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Chalk Making Machine
Product Introduction:
Chalk machine is very sturdy and efficient to work. You will get best quality chalk from our chalk machinery. We can supply school chalk machinery, low dust chalk machinery as per your requirement.
Model BF M800-1
Brief: one module, manual slurry mixer, one operator
Packing size(L*W*H)mm: 660×480×360
Weight: 65KG
Volume:0.11 CBM
Note: one operator can operate three machines, and require one worker for packing chalk to carton.
1.Inner sides, trolley, tray are stainless steel, outside is carbon steel. Based on customers’ requirement, we can make all parts by stainless steel.
Model: BFM800-6
Brief: six mouldes, electrical driven slury mixer,auto water feeding, one operator
Productivity: 24000-32000pcs/h
Packing size(L*W*H)mm: packing mouldes 6pcs 660×480×360 (mm)
Weight: 600KG
Note: require five workers for packing chalk to carton

Pallet: to support wet chalk.
Land plaster: one ton of land plaster can produce 260,000pcs chalk.
Color slurry: red, yellow, green, blue, and rose.
Every 800pcs chalk consumes 0.15-0.2kg color slurry.
We will supply above materials and technology as per customer’s requirement.
Tag: chalk machine chalk maker chalk macking machine |